Aviaska Wienda Saraswati

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Wajah Baru Tugu Jogja yang Kian Memesona

Sebagai salah satu ikon kota, Tugu Jogja memiliki daya tarik tersendiri bagi wisatawan. Awalnya, tugu yang didirikan tahun 1755 pada era pemerintahan HB I ini bernama Tugu Golong Gilig. Namun, sekarang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Tugu Jogja.

Bila berkunjung ke Jogja, rasanya kurang lengkap jika belum mengabadikan foto sembari menikmati pemandangan Tugu Jogja. Apalagi sekarang Tugu Jogja hadir dengan tampilan baru.

Menjadi salah satu bagian dari proyek revitalisasi kawasan wisata Kota Yogyak

4 Anti Mainstream Eco-friendly Lifestyle Trend

Indonesian domestic waste rate in 2021 gained to 1731.32 tonnes. It increased around 2% compared to the 2020 organic waste rate. Compared to other sources of waste, it dominates 42% of the waste rate in Indonesia. The weight of domestic waste in Indonesia equals the weight of 33 Titanics.

The chart of domestic waste production always increases every year and alerts us that the solutions to protect the earth cannot cover the damage. While we have the time, knowledge, we can give more effort to p

The Threat of Indonesian Waste Management Problem

This February, we will welcome National Waste Care Day soon (Indonesia: Hari Peduli Sampah Nasional / HPSN) on February 21 , 2022. Recon to HPSN, we recall our memory about the incident of waste explosion in Leuwigajah Waste Processing Center located in Cimahi, West Java as the background of this memorial day. . It caused a waste slide that buried 2 villages. As a consequence, 157 people were found dead.

Thus far, the waste problem in Indonesia is still problematic. The amount and type of waste